Ship from Hub:
your same-day &
next-day delivery solution

Speed up delivery for online orders from warehouse to end customers

Partner with us!


We help you grow your business in the on-demand economy

Demand for a premium delivery experience is on the rise as convenience has fast become a key differentiator. The pressure of shorter lead time means that storing your inventory closer to your clients is of paramount importance. With our network of partners - city centre warehouses and parcel shops - we can help you better serve all your clients with same-day or next-day delivery.

Last-mile starts
where your inventory sits

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Xenier and its partners handle parcels - from pickup to final destination - whatever the package size, and product category
Fulfillment starts at the retailer's warehouses, before being shipped to city depots or it can start from our warehouse.
Once stored in city depots, end-customers can request on-demand courier deliveries within a 30 minute window, tracking it with a simple SMS

Go ahead

Start powering your deliveries with Xenier today!

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